The Sirensong Sea

The Sirensong Sea

Level 61, ilvl 240


La Noscea (X:-1, Y:-1)

Not without Incident

With the aid of Captain Carvallain and his Misery, you and your companions have embarked on a lengthy voyage to the Far East. Alas, no voyage across the five seas is entirely uneventful. The ship has been dragged off-course by a mysterious force, and the men have begun to whisper of strange "things" in the water. Needless to say, you and your fellow adventurers will be having none of that. Once the ship reaches its unknown destination, you will go ashore and deal with whatever fiends you find.  



Try to stay close to the boss in order to avoid his half-screen AOEs. This is especially important for his move called Amorphous Applause, which is a large directional AOE. By staying tight to the boss, you will have a better chance of dodging it. Another move to be aware of is Hydroball, where one party member is targeted. It is recommended to stack together to split the damage. The boss also has a move called Sea Swallows All -> Concussive Oscillation, where he will suck you in and then unleash several AOEs. Make sure to find a safe spot, but then quickly head back to the center to dodge the Amorphous Applause that follows. Additionally, there is a move called Overflow -> Hydroball, where everyone is knocked to the arena edge. It is crucial to run back to the middle as soon as possible and stack up, as Hydroball is coming.

The Governor

Bloodburst is a party-wide AoE that occurs multiple times. It is important to be aware of the shadow areas created by Shadowflow, as they fill a large portion of the room and increase magic damage vulnerability. When marked with Enter Night, a draw-in and tether will occur, so it is crucial to run far from the boss to break the tether. Shadowsplit summons smaller versions of the boss, which then cover more areas during the subsequent Shadowflow.


During the encounter with the boss, there are several abilities that players need to be aware of. "Somber Melody" is a party-wide area-of-effect attack that affects all party members. "Void Water III" is another area-of-effect attack, but it specifically targets a single party member. The boss also uses an ability called "Virgin Tears," which creates damage over time areas and eventually forms a ring around the entire room. These areas will disappear after the boss casts either "Morbid Advance" or "Morbid Retreat." It is important to note that when the boss uses "Morbid Advance" or "Morbid Retreat," your character will be forced to move forward or backward, respectively. You should position yourself accordingly to avoid the "Virgin Tears" as much as possible. Remember that "forward" and "backward" are relative to the direction you are facing and do not mean you will be drawn towards or repelled from the boss. Choose the safest route based on the skill being used.
